Resultados: 3

Enfermeras e matronas: sobrecargadas de trabajo, mal pagadas e infravaloradas?

En mayo se celebra el Día Internacional de la Matrona y el Día Internacional de la Enfermera, dos grupos de trabajadores que desempeñan funciones esenciales en cualquier sistema sanitario. Sin embargo, ambas profesiones -dominadas por mujeres- se caracterizan por largas jornadas laborales y bajos sala...

Perceptions of domestic workers on labor rights and impacts on their working and health conditions

ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the perceptions of domestic workers on the legislative changes and impacts on their working and health conditions. Method: a qualitative study, conducted in a city in the inland of São Paulo, between December 2016 and March 2017, conducted through individual intervi...

Woman-warrior, woman-man: recognition of the work and its meanings in the perception of female recycling workers

Texto & contexto enferm; 25 (2), 2016
ABSTRACT The study aimed to reveal the recognition of the work and of its meanings in the perception of female recycling workers of a recycling cooperative. It is a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study, undertaken with female recycling workers in a recycling cooperative in a municipality of the cen...